Nice Apartment for rent in Berlin

San Francisco, California

1,217 ₫ Đang mở thuê

Tổng quan
Danh mục Apartment
Diện tích 33 m²
Số phòng ngủ 1
Số phòng tắm 1
Giá 1,217 ₫
Mô tả

Fully furnished shared all-inclusive apartments, with modern amenities that’ll make you feel right at home. A great starting point for exploring the rest of the city and its many hidden gems. Area In the center of East Berlin, you’ll find everything from delicious street food to flee markets, to high-end restaurants.

In this bright, modern h(e)aven, you’ll find a Queen size bed, a fully equipped kitchen, a separate bathroom with a walk-in shower and a study area for when the dedicated student in you awakens. Some come with great views, others with a nice and cozy balcony.

Tiện ích




Distance key between facilities

Hospital - 16km

Super Market - 17km

School - 19km

Entertainment - 15km

Pharmacy - 3km

Airport - 7km

Railways - 14km

Bus Stop - 8km

Beach - 14km

Mall - 3km

Bank - 10km

Chia sẻ căn nhà này:

Liên hệ đại lý ủy quyền

Berta Considine


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